Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Now that we know some of the symptoms of Wegener's we also know that A. had symptoms 3 years ago. The first symptom was an eye infection, it was severe and lasted for months and she said it felt like a knife stabbing her eye. She went to an eye doc and was given steriod drops and glasses since her vision was affected. Then she moved to AZ and miraculously the infection finally went away...the drops hadn't done much so we chalked it up to the glasses. She started having sinus infections for the first time in her life...another symptom they continued on and off for the next couple years. Then last summer another eye infection in the other eye. Steroid drops new glasses an eye specialist and a rheumatologist and still this was not caught as vasculitis. To think it could have been brought under control back then but it wasn't to be. Last March we went down to visit and she had a weird rash on her of the biggest symptoms of all and she couldn't get the rheumatologists office to call her back for an appointment if only then....but no....

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